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A buzzing community with a Village Hall at the heart, with a wide range of events, groups and classes that support the villages of Rickinghall, Botesdale, Redgrave and more.
A key event to have in your diary is our monthly Country Market that takes place the second Saturday of the month. We host a variety of stalls that include fresh fruit & veg, baked bread and treats, children's toys, sustainable household detergents and refills plus much more.​

Some local history...
The Nissan Hut
Erected in 1945 for the use of our village hall. A brick structure was built on the same footprint in the 1960's by Arthur and Kenny Bryant at a cost of £2000.
This phot was taken from the steps of 2 Church meadow by Margaret Brown's brother Robert Cotton.

For all Rickinghall Village Hall enquiries
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